Being a Paleontologist: Working with Fossils

Paleontologists learn about the past by working with fossils and their associated rock formations. There are many ways to work with fossils which can be classified into broader categories. Typically we divide working with fossils into field work, lab work, and collections work. Regardless of what environment we work in and how we work with the fossils, it is important that we always handle them with care and respect. Fossils are non-renewable resources, meaning if we destroy one it cannot be replaced. As scientists, it is important that these precious resources are handled properly and with the public’s best interests in mind.

The field work aspect is often what people think of when they hear the word “paleontologist.” Images of Ellie Sattler and Alan Grant from Jurassic Park ™ come to mind. People with big hats, hiking boots, and sporting khaki pants crouched over a fossil find is an iconic image of a field paleontologist. Similar to these two icons, we put on our proper gear for the field and begin exposing fossils from the rock. First we have to find fossil bearing locations to set up dig sites at. This step is called prospecting, where we search for fossils eroding out of the ground. Once we determine a location has fossils and we establish a dig site, we begin carefully excavating the fossils. Depending on the type of rock the fossils are buried in and how the fossils are preserved, paleontologists will employ the use of various hand tools such as awls, dental picks, oyster knives, trowels, paintbrushes, and more. The goal is to expose enough of the fossil to document where it was found and the condition it was found in. We do not want to remove all the rock matrix from the fossil while in the field, as the rock is typically providing vital support for the fossil and also has useful environmental data. Paleontologists will remove enough rock so that the fossil is on a pedestal of stone. Finally, we place a plaster jacket around the fossil to protect it as we remove it from our dig site and transport it to our lab space and/or collections.

Once a fossil is removed from the dig site, it is either worked on in a fossil preparation lab or in a collection for research and/or educational purposes. In a lab setting, a fossil preparator works on fossils in a process called preparation. Fossil preparation involves removing the remaining rock matrix from the fossil, taking detailed lab notes, repairing broken parts of the fossil, and filling gaps made by missing pieces of the fossil. Fossil preparators use a mixture of hand tools and powered tools, like air scribes and air abraders. It is the preparator’s job to carefully clean and preserve fossil specimens, so they can be used for research and education for generations to come. Fossil preparators must be masters of patience. We need to move slowly and carefully when preparing fossils, rushing is how fossils get damaged irreparably. A rough conversion of time is that for every hour of work put into a fossil while in the field, that translates to 6-8 hours of work in the lab. Some fossil preparation projects take years to finish, but are well worth the wait.

Finally, we come to collection work. Collection management is where the fossil specimens are kept in archival settings and properly cataloged. By archiving specimens properly, we ensure that they last for as long as possible, keeping these resources available for future generations of scientists. This is an important step for determining what fossils can be safely displayed in a museum and how to properly display them. Museums keep fossils in the public trust. Museum displays are how the public can learn about the fossils. Cataloging fossils is important for researchers. This way they can access the scientific notes they need and find the fossil specimens easily in what can be a massive collection. The overall goal of keeping fossils archived is so that scientists may research them to better understand our past and share their findings with the public. From there, specimens may be carefully handled either within the collections or taken to a lab for a scientific study.

Andrew "Andy" Rich is a paleontologist who focuses on vertebrate taphonomy. This is the study of how vertebrate material fossilizes and is preserved. He got his bachelors of science with honors in geology at Beloit College and his masters of science in paleontology at South Dakota School of Mines and Technology. Andy has worked on a wide range of animals, including placoderm fishes, mosasaurs, sauropods, hadrosaurs, tyrannosaurs, ankylosaurs, and more.

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